StevenOtto at 2016-06-23 22:09:42:
SCENE #17: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT RANDY walks into his ruined master bedroom. He makes the bed and puts the ripped red pillows back. He drops on the bed and looks up at the mirrored ceiling on his bed. RANDY: What the fuck happened to me? Randy turns around and looks at the picture with him and his wife LAUREN. He looks back at the mirror. RANDY: Why did I get this installed anyways? He grins, and turns back around. His hands start to twitch as he turns back around. RANDY: I hate this damn thing. Randy scratches his black eye at the mirror and sighs. RANDY: I hate how ugly this face got. He laughs and looks around, but there's no one around to laugh with him. He groans, and takes one last look at Lauren in the picture. He smiles with her. RANDY: I'll get her back. Randy's grin turns into a frown. RANDY (cont.): Whether she likes it or not. He looks back at the mirror and grabs the alarm clock. He gets up from the bed, and throws the clock at the mirror. The bed is torn and covered in shards, matching the rest of the room as he leaves.
RoyGordon at 2016-06-24 12:51:18:
Scene 10 ! INT. BATHROOM Small, worn-off white tiles, greying paint with damp patches. GUY (20s) staggers in. Looks around dazedly. Heads for the mirror over the lavatory. Scrunches face. GUY Aaarrghh. Why are you looking at me? Glances around. GUY I'm the only one here. You ARE looking at me. Inspects the bags under the eyes, a finger puling them down. Arches the eyebrows. GUY You've lead a dissolute life, no? Look where it brought you. Twitches nose. corners of mouth turn up, down, up, down...Tries to move ears, with no success. GUY Could've done better. Pats forehead. GUY Smooth. Could've done worse. Wiggles the fingers on his hand as if seeing them for the first time. GUY So, this... is me? Now? He seems dismayed with his prospects. Shrugs. GUY Oh, well. Now, to find that escaped bloke. One final look in the mirror. GUY Do you know where to find a car? No? Never mind, I'll make do. He heads for the door, muttering... GUY This Halloween is gonna be different.
Jeff Guenther at 2016-06-25 02:16:24:
GLG Scene #10 INT. GRAND HALL, PALACE OF THE SAVANTS – DAY A GROUP of hominids parade grandly beneath chandeliers, along a marble-and-mirror lined Grand Gallery, moving toward an open balcony at the far end. They could pass for human, except their heads and brows are festooned with feathers, instead of hair, and their ears are small and pointy. Some wear the spectacles peculiar to their planet. O.C., large metal horns are blown somewhere outside. All but one of the beings are dressed in long, white robes of fine cloth. The one exception walks in their midst, wearing an iridescent flowing robe, with a solid aluminum band encircling his head. He maintains an air of great dignity, neither smiling or frowning. This is J’BRONTEH PELIBRESK. As they progress, all attention is on Pelibresk. The others wave their hands near him as they briefly compliment and congratulate him, never being so bold as to actually touch him. He nods and gestures loftily, acknowledging their accolades to right and left, taking care to ignore no one. One of the hominids, N’NETHLAH BARAKUSH, points at the balcony as he addresses Pelibresk. BARAKUSH: Never in the history of the Planet has been seen such a crowd as awaits your Greatness’s appearance on the Balcony of Righteousness. Pelebresk glances in one of the mirrors as he passes it. His eyes are drawn to his image. He slows and looks at it, then turns back to Barakush. PELIBRESK: I am honored beyond my worth, Ninn. Please give me a moment while I check my ceremonial garb. Surely I must look my best for my admirers. (he gestures the others onward) BARAKUSH: Surely, surely, Great Jubb. (to the others) Come, let us go ahead and take our places. They all bow, each making sure that his obeisance is duly noted by Pelibresk, then walking towards the balcony, leaving him standing in the middle of the hall. He approaches the mirror and goes through the motions of adjusting his attire. He reaches up and straightens the already straight stylistic gold feather at the front of his headband. As he does this, his eyes sweep the area around him. He is alone. He makes a two-handed vulgar gesture at his image. PELIBRESK: (sotto voce) A fraud. We’re a complete fraud, Jubb. A total lie from beginning to end. (He smiles.) And now, this . . . this singular honor! Oh, deities! We’re the most beloved person on the Planet. If they only knew . . . (He shakes his head.) O.C., the horns are blown again. PELIBRESK: Maybe someday they will know. Maybe someday a historian in the bowels of one of the many museums in our honor will discover the truth about j’Bronteh Pelibresk, Exalted First Explorer of the Secret Realm. Think of it, Jubb. Imagine that researcher’s wide-eyed look of horror when he realizes what a terrible, greedy, lying, cheating, salacious son of a swamp toad we were. He imitates the imaginary historian’s look of disgust and dismay, then smirks. PELIBRESK: We really should track down any letters or documents that might reveal what an evil piece of work we are. But no. We can’t deny that poor researcher his delicious dilemma. Pelibresk looks to left and right, alternately dejected and horrified, as if trying to decide what to do with awful knowledge. PELIBRESK: To tell what he’s learnt? Or conceal the awful truth? To gain a measure of infamous glory by bursting history’s bubble? Or let the hero’s legend go on? Oh, agony! Wide-eyed, he puts both fists up to his mouth for a few seconds, then drops his hands and grins. PELIBRESK: It’s time to go. Everyone is waiting. Waiting to honor us. Pelibresk reaches down with his right hand and flings his iridescent cloak about him, furling it smoothly over his left shoulder and smiling once more. PELIBRESK: But above all, remember this, Jubb: We must not laugh. No, no, we really mustn’t laugh! He giggles, then resumes his air of gravitas and strides out onto the balcony, backlit by bright daylight. O.C., the horns are blown one more time. A roar of applause.
Tillery Johnson at 2016-06-25 23:09:42:
SCENE 1 INT RESTAURANT BATHROOM - NIGHT Sam splashes water on his face and looks at himself in the mirror. Sam: You can do this Sam. Sam is surprised to see his reflection speak back to him. Reflection Sam: No you can't Sam. Sam: Sorry? Reflection Sam: She's way too pretty for you. Sam: So why'd she agree to go out with me? Reflection Sam: Free food. Think about it. If you were that hot wouldn't you just be taking free meals every night of the week. Sam: I guess so. Reflection Sam: You gotta get out of here. Sam: What about my dinner? Reflection Sam: What about it? Sam: I ordered lobster to impress her. I can't just leave the date. Reflection Sam: Sure you can. Teach her a lesson. Teach her she can't just use guys for the free meals. Sam: We haven't confirmed that's why she's here! Reflection Sam: Look at us. She's not in it for our body. Sam: Well I'm funny. Reflection Sam: Tell me a joke. Sam: Not joke funny. Like witty. Reflection Sam: Name one time tonight you've been witty. Sam: She ordered the linguini and I made that joke. Reflection Sam: Yeah you made a joke about canoodling with her and she didn't get it. You're a regular Oscar Wilde. Sam: Fine but how am I supposed to sneak out? We're seated right by the door. Reflection Sam: Window. Sam turns and looks at the window. He looks back at his reflection who shrugs. He steps on the sink and pushes open the window. A MAN walks into the bathroom. Man: Bad date? Sam: Something like that. Mind giving me a boost? The man walks over and shoves Sam into the window. Sam: Thanks! He hangs halfway out the window. Date (OC): Sam? He looks down to see he's climbing out the side of the building and his DATE is smoking a cigaratee. Date: You were gone for a while so I came out for a cigarette. Sam: You smoke? I don't think this is gonna work. Date: Oh that's fine. This isn't working for me either. I asked for my food to go. Reflection Sam (OC, from inside): TOLD YOU SO!
Tillery Johnson at 2016-06-25 23:14:06:
Feedback 1 I like this a lot. I'm getting a horror/sci-fi skin wearing vibe. I think the downside of stand alone scenes is it's hard for the reader to gauge whether the scene needs more info or not. Sometimes you want to build the mystery, or maybe this is in the middle of a script and we'd have more context. So with that in mind, as a stand alone scene, I'd love just a bit more clarity (that mightn't even end up in the finished script). But that's just me! Great job though. I think you pulled us in quite nicely, giving us a fun possible twist at the end (if I'm reading it right).
Jeff Guenther at 2016-06-26 16:24:12:
I think it would be funnier to cut back to Reflection Sam still in the mirror, on camera, delivering the last line.