Alan D. at 2013-02-28 15:27:45:
I always like voice-overs that add humor to the story. I felt like not only did this voice-over add to the mystery, but it placed a lot of humor into the visuals and made it more compelling than just stating the obvious. Really excited for The Christmas Story edition tomorrow.
Scott at 2013-02-28 18:39:13:
Adding humor was precisely the reason I chose A Christmas Story.
SabinaGiado at 2013-03-01 19:55:50:
I recently saw two movies that used voice-overs - The Royal Tenenbaums and My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
blknwite at 2013-07-10 08:09:00:
My God Scott American Beauty ending is truly breathtaking, I had forgotten, thanks for posting it.